You’ve figuratively moved mountains to lose weight, and now that you’ve achieved your goal, congratulation. Unfortunately, losing weight permanently is virtually impossible. Unless you maintain it, then you gain back the pounds you lost.
Healthy weight equals healthier living as it promotes health benefits. You, therefore, need to know how to maintain weight after weight loss and adhere to the tips religiously if you want to continue experiencing health benefits.
Here are tips on how to lose weight and maintain it.
1. Take More Veggies and Fiber
Intake of more veggies and fibre-filled food results in effective weight control. You can eat as many vegetables as you need without necessarily exceeding calories requirements. Moreover, vegetables and other fibre full edibles take longer before they are digested and thus lead to fewer chances of feeling hungry. The good thing is that your meal doesn’t have to be boring. Instead, you can season your veggies with herbs, natural spices, and olive oil. Ensure you take two vegetable servings in a day.
2. Exercise
Exercising at least 30 minutes in a day results to increased metabolism and shedding off extra pounds. The secret behind exercising is energy balancing. When you eat and exercise to lose almost all the calories you’ve taken, you balance your weight. However, some food might require you to exercise longer to maintain the balance. Exercising alone, however, might not give you excellent results, and you, therefore, have to implement other tips too.
While at it, consider lifting weight as part of exercising. When you lose weight, you lose muscles as well. Unfortunately, losing muscles leads to a slower metabolism and could result in weight gain. Weight lifting or resistance training could result in muscle gain and thus balanced metabolism.
3. Get Support
A support system to maintain your weight loss makes you accountable. The same people who supported you in losing weight might be the ideal support system while maintaining it. However, if you travelled to Thailand, and now you’re back in your country, it might be challenging to use the team as your system. You, therefore, need a person that you spend most of the time with, such as your partner. The two of you can make healthier decisions that equal healthy weight.
4. Record What You Eat
Using a food tracker app to record and monitor what you eat helps in maintaining weight. How? When you log the food you eat, you track the calories and nutrients you take. Using this information, you can increase or decrease your food intake. Moreover, you’ll evaluate how your body works regarding how to lose weight and maintain it when you take various foods.
5. Don't eat Breakfast
There’s even more evidence that skipping breakfast might help you lose weight. … New research has found that people who skip breakfast tend to weigh 1lb less than those who eat a morning meal. The findings contradict claims that forgoing breakfast leads to snacking more later in the day.
6. Keep Getting Back
Following the daily occurrence, it might not be easy to follow your food table. For instance, when you attend a wedding or vacation, there is a possibility of trying a sugary treat. Undoubtedly, you’ll gain some pounds. But, you can bounce back to healthier eating once you’re done with vacationing.
7. Mentor a Newbie
Imagine having someone looking at you as a mentor. Teaching a newbie weight loss techniques will encourage you to do more research and practice the same tips. Necessarily, you’ll have to keep up with healthy choices that your trainee can adapt.
8. Take More Water
Taking a glass of water before eating reduces the amount of food you can consume. Consequently, this results in taking lesser calories. Moreover, taking more water leads to burning more calories as compared to people who don’t take water.
9. Step on the Weighing Scale
Stepping on the weighing scale helps you monitor your progress and therefore implement methods of controlling your weight. Seeing what you weight every morning will encourage you to take fewer calories throughout the day so that you retain the same pounds the following day when you weigh yourself again.
10. Watch Your Carb Intake
Exercising at least 30 minutes in a day results to increased metabolism and shedding off extra pounds. The secret behind exercising is energy balancing. When you eat and exercise to lose almost all the calories you’ve taken, you balance your weight. However, some food might require you to exercise longer to maintain the balance. Exercising alone, however, might not give you excellent results, and you, therefore, have to implement other tips too.
While at it, consider lifting weight as part of exercising. When you lose weight, you lose muscles as well. Unfortunately, losing muscles leads to a slower metabolism and could result in weight gain. Weight lifting or resistance training could result in muscle gain and thus balanced metabolism.
Take Away
There is a bunch of tips on how to maintain weight after weight loss. However, concentrating on one might not work as your body deserves, and you, therefore, have to try several maintenance tips. Research more on the same but, ensure you’re sourcing your information from reliable sources.
If you or anyone you know has a problem with overeating or weight issues and is looking for options to regain their health and lose weight, be sure to check out our weight loss program in Thailand, email or call us as soon as possible.